Presentation :
The Geneva health forum attaches great importance to ensuring that the voices of those who implement programs on the ground are heard.
Their practical experience is invaluable in assessing and adjusting global health strategies.
Six oral presentations will report on experiences in Kenya, Italia, Moldava, Pakistan, Ukraine.
Note: Numerous other experiences will be presented via electronic posters (
Chairmen :
Anja Junker Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) Switzerland |
Rodolfo Rossi International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Switzerland |
Speakers :
Rafael Ruiz de Castaneda Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva First UNIGE COS (Certificate of Open Studies) on Advanced Community Health designed for Refugees and People on the Move Switzerland |
Monica Trentin CRIMEDIM - Center for Research and Training in Disaster Medicine, Humanitarian Aid and Global Health (Università del Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italy) Inequalities of migrant women during the pandemic in Milan: A qualitative study involving key informants Italy |
Diana Berari Healthy Life Project, Viață Sănătoasă The Healthy Life Project response to the Health and Social Needs of Ukrainian Refugees in Moldova MOldova |
Shirin Heidari Gender Centre, Geneva Graduate Institute Survival Strategies and Health Repercussions in forced displacement: A multi-country study on transactional sex Switzerland |
Saeed Ahmad Tampere University, Finland Assessing Health Disparities and Access: Afghan Refugee Health in Pakistan through Data-Driven Analysis Finland |
Stefania Paduano Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Sciences University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy Health assessment for migrants and asylum seekers: results from the multidisciplinary team of Modena, Italy Italy |

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