Building a recommendation system for a Global Health network – Workshop 2022 03

To be effective, public health actions can no longer be carried out in isolation. There is a growing need to create synergies between actors, to share information, health data and research results.
The Geneva Health Forum, like other platforms, aims to bring together the various actors working in global health and wish to facilitate initiatives. However, it is sometimes difficult to find one’s way through the ever-growing number of information and stakeholder networks. The development of artificial intelligence algorithms makes it possible to create increasingly important systems for recommending information or people.

The goal of a recommender system is to generate meaningful recommendations to a collection of users for items, products or persons that might interest them. Here, we aim to design and develop recommender systems adapted to the needs and the requirements of public health actors to facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange around public health thematic.

The Objective for the workshop is to identify needs and requirements for designing and developing a personalized recommender system to facilitate networking and collaboration in global health.