RADIX is a national competence center for the development and implementation of measures in public health and sustainable development. The clients of RADIX are the federal government and the cantons, as well as private organizations and companies. Thematic priorities are nutrition and movement, mental health, addiction and violence. RADIX services support knowledge transfer, innovation, quality and efficiency.
RADIX is a private foundation recognized as being in the public interest and functioning as a national center of competence for the development and implementation of public health measures. RADIX works on behalf of its clients and develops services that contribute to the competence of individuals and communities in matters of health and illness and, at the same time, facilitate the creation of healthy living, working and leisure conditions in a sustainable way.
Its main thematic priorities are nutrition, movement, mental health, addiction and violence. The Latin word "Radix", meaning "root", symbolizes the fundamental principles of the foundation: to treat health problems from their causes and to implement health promotion in existing structures.
Throughout Switzerland, more than 850 communities and cities and more than 3,500 schools and daycare centers use RADIX offers. Offers to promote a balanced diet and sufficient physical activity are particularly important here. In 2018, the SNS General Assembly and the RADIX Foundation Board decided to integrate the SNS Secretariat into RADIX.