SDG Lab works with a diverse ecosystem of actors that are focused on delivering the 2030 Agenda. We identify strategic opportunities for convergence in order to energize and maximize the added-value and expertise of International Geneva in supporting implementation of the SDGs on the ground.
A wealth of work is underway in and outside Geneva to implement the 2030 Agenda. The SDG Lab creates unique forums for telling stories of success and failure so that the lessons can inform future policy and practice.
A shift in mindset will be required to achieve the SDGs. Thinking, acting and investing in an intersectoral way doesn’t ‘just happen’. The SDG Lab aims to ask questions that uncover new ways of thinking and new paths to action.
SDG Lab creates new opportunities for diverse actors in and outside Geneva to meet and exchange information, experiences, and ideas for collaboration. This fosters constructive interactions and strengthens multisectoral and multi-stakeholder collaboration.
A shift in mindset will be required to achieve the SDGs. Thinking, acting and investing in an intersectoral way doesn’t ‘just happen’. The SDG Lab aims to ask questions that uncover new ways of thinking and new paths to action.